Blog Post 5: MY FUTURE JOB


The job I would like to have would be to work at SENAME or be a renowned writer, or both. I imagine planning strategies to improve the conditions inside the campuses, help the children and make it a dignified institution without any type of abuse. On the other hand, writing fantasy books in my spare time. And obviously all of this would be put outside.

I would like my work at SENAME to be as close as possible to me, so I would choose to work in a compound near my commune or in my commune, since I don't like to travel long distances.

The salary itself does not matter much to me, as long as I can cover my basic needs and live in a comfortable house I will be happy.

I study Social Work to help society, give it tools so that they can get ahead, especially the children of SENAME. I would also like to work at the ONU, although that would be a global project, which I love, I would love to be able to impact the world with my revolutionary ideas. And finally, I would like to write fantasy books, and be recognized for it.


  1. hi! i can really see that this is something that motivates you too much.... i hope you can accomplish all your goals, i know you will be a great social worker!!!!


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