The reason I chose this career is because I want to make a change, both on a social and cultural level. I have always felt that I was born to make a big change, I hope to make it, both nationally and globally.

Studying Social Work has opened my eyes in every possible way, and for me it is an honor to be able to be studying at one of the most emblematic universities in Chile.

I hope that I can contribute in a good way to society with the knowledge that I have acquired and with which I will obtain in the future.

Also say that great source of inspiration comes from the most famous boy band so far: BTS. With his incredible musical and artistic talent, and where his speech at the ONU gave me a huge desire to be able to make a social change and to help build a happy, dignified and safe world.

And of course, the greatest inspiration is myself, I myself have achieved everything that I am today, I have managed to overcome some obstacles and although I have had some problems, I try to move forward, even if it costs me.

I hope I can fulfill this promise that I have to myself, this promise that will not be easy to fulfill, the promise to change the world by being a Social Worker.


  1. i´m sure that now and in the future you gonna help a lot in the society.

  2. I think the same, studying social work made me see things in a different way.... I can tell that it really inspires you and I know you will be a great social worker.


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